OCTOBER 18, 2022
Our chapter received $225.00 in donations from the event.
The third place winner, Astoria Parks, received $380.00 in donations and Fort George awarded an additional $1,000.00 for their efforts. The second place winner, Assistance League of the Columbia/Pacific, raised $1,380.00 and was awarded $2,000.00 from Fort George. The first place winner was the Astoria Warming Center, with $2,240.00 in donations, and the first place prize of $3,000.00 from Fort George.
Many thanks to Fort George Brewery and to the many donors who contributed to the non-profits that participated.
NOTE: AAUW Astoria events are the 3rd Tuesday of every month at 6PM. We are currently meeting online via Zoom due to the Coronavirus pandemic.
Check our Calendar page for the Program Dates and Topics.
Previous Program Dates:
Tuesday, November 20, 2018
Board Meeting, 5:30 PM
Program: 6 PM: US Citizens & Immigration
Astor Public Library
New members get-together at the Silver Salmon Restaurant afterwards, No host. All welcome. (At 7 PM)
September 21-22, 2018
Readers Theatre Scholarship Benefit
Wednesday, October 3, 2018
Candidates Forum
Wednesday, October 10, 2018
Candidates Debate
June 30, 2018 Visiting Tech Trek at
Tillamook Bay Community College
July 11, 2018 Board Meeting & Scholarship Meeting
at the Nybakke Home
June 19, 2018 Astoria Branch Meeting
Installation of New Officers by Rosalie McCleary
(left to right)
VP of Membership Sara Meyer, Secretary Jan Horning, President Liz Bartell
AAUW Astoria Branch Program
Astoria Arts & Artists- Part II
Another Panel of Five Celebrated Women Leaders
in the Fine & Performing Arts
Carol Newman, Jeanne Maddox Peterson, ChrisLynn Taylor, Denise Reed
Carol Newman, a prominent figure in the Arts in our community. She has participated in theater productions as a dancer and actor, a singer with the North Coast Chorale. Carol has taught International Folk Dance and Culture at CCC and in schools throughout Oregon with Arts in Education. She has been a major force at KMUN since its inception. She is the voice of ARTS LIVE AND LOCAL which many of us depend on to prepare our own arts calendar. She has a finger on the pulse of the fine and performing arts in our community. She is a powerful and tireless supporter of the arts in all for
Jeanne Maddox Peterson
Jeanne has been an inspiration and a vibrant force in the dance community here for several decades! She is a dancer and teacher, Artistic Director and Founder of the Little Ballet Theater and owner of Maddox Dance Studio. She has had major roles in a variety of dance and dance related activities. Jeanne spent several years as staff member of the Miss America Pageant and was producer of the Miss California and Miss Oregon Pageants. She coached the Astoria High School Dance Team, Pizazz , for almost 30 years. On June 16th and 17th this year, Jeanne will present the 68th annual Dance Recitals at the Astoria High School!
ChrisLynn Taylor
Even though she has only lived in Astoria since 1981, ChrisLynn considers herself a native Astorian. Her Finnish great-grandfather moved here in the late1800’s Astoria has always been a part of her life. ChrisLynn is a teacher and singer. She recently “retired” as a worker bee for the Astor Street Opry Company, where, since 1991, she served as a board member, across, singer, music director, director and producer of many shows. In her many roles at the ASOC, ChrisLynn has had a positive influence on the lives of many aspiring performers. The ASOC has had major role in the identity and the life of our community that extends far beyond the stage.
Denise Reed
Denise has been the North Coast Chorale Music Director since 2006. Denise earned a Masters in Music Education from Chicago DePaul University and an Ed.D. from Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale. She taught chorus and music theory in Chicago, Nevada, Tennessee, and here on the North Coast. She composes and arranges music as well. Last summer Denise arranged for the North Coast Chorale to participate in a choral festival in Barcelona. She travelled to Senegal on invitation to present workshops on Gospel and Spiritual music. In both attitude and practice, Denise promotes music as multicultural art form.
Rebecca Rubens (couldn’t attend)
Rebecca is a native Oregonian and a practicing artist who studied at the PNW College of Art, Portland; the School of Visual Arts, New York; SACI (Studio Art Center International), Florence , Italy; and completed her Masters from New York University. She has completed artist residencies at the Atlantic Center for the Arts, Florida and most recently Arteles Residency in Finland. Rebecca worked on the Astoria Column Restoration Project and the historic D.K. Warren House. Currently, she is working on the year long Precipice Fund: Tidal Rock Park Project in collaboration with two other artists. She has been active in community organizing/founding for KMUN-FM and non-profit Astoria Visual Arts (AVA) where she serves as Vice President and curator for the AVA members Pop-Up Space.
May 18, 2018 at 9 am
AAUW Astoria Business Meeting at the 14th Street Cafe in Astoria
Thursday, February 15, 2018 Business Meeting at the Astoria Public Library
Saturday, February 10, 2018
Learning about Career Paths
The panel on alternative careers. Their jobs were construction boss, engineer, window restoration, and mechanic. In front is an AAUW member, Mindy Stokes. She is also the LIT (Lives In Transition) instructor.
Clatsop Community College representative Troy Henri and AAUW Astoria’s Sara Meyer and Oregon State AAUW representative, Mardy Stevens, off to the side taking, more photos for our National AAUW President, Kim Churches. Also present, put not in the photo, was Kathi Dew, our Oregon State AAUW President!
January 20, 2018 marks one year since more than four million of us worldwide – including 1300+ in Astoria – marched to show that we’re stronger than the forces that threaten democracy. In this election year, we have a chance to turn the tide for good.
Turn the Tide 2018 was a regional summit hosted by Indivisible North Coast Oregon (INCO) in January. It aimed to empower all who want to work toward a brighter future. Knowing that AAUW shares this vision, All members were invited to join us. From guest speakers, workshops, and conversations, Summit participants explored ways to cultivate resilience, reframe the debate, get good people elected, and sustain one another in activism.
Best wishes for 2018!
Laurie Caplan
Lovell Showroom, (Fort George Brewery and Public House)
AAUW Astoria Hosted a Discussion on Ballot Measure 101 Healthcare, 1/10/2018, 7:00PM at the Astor Library.
The Public was encouraged to attend and hear why the passage of Ballot Measure 101 Healthcare is so important to Clatsop County. Astoria AAUW hosts presenters Erik Thorsen and Andy Davis beginning at 7:00PM in the Flag Room of the Astor Library, 10th & Exchange St., Astoria.
The audience learned about the landscape of healthcare in Clatsop County and the effects of this election. There will be time for audience questions, and brochures will be available.
Erik Thorsen is the CEO for Columbia Memorial Hospital and has worked in healthcare for more than 25 years, with 15 at CMH. He had input in the extensive legislative work that passed with bi-partisan support. He is a graduate of Warrenton High and has extensive involvement with the community.
Andy Davis is a Data Analyst for Greater Oregon Behavioral Health, Inc, providing service to OHP/Medicaid clients in Clatsop County and throughout rural Oregon. He has 3 years of special services in Clatsop County. He is also a member of the Democratic Party of Oregon’s Healthcare Caucus. He lives in Astoria with his wife Melissa.
A Wonderful Discussion of the Upcoming Ballot Measure 101 at our Library
Erik Thorsen(center) with Sara Meyer(Left) and Co-President Astoria AAUW Jan Horning (right)
January 10, 2018
Andy Davis arrived minutes later.

Pamela Wev – AAUW Astoria advocating for Ballot Measure 101
Showing how Measure 101 has helped hard-working families like the Loucks family who lost their medical coverage when Matt was unexpectedly diagnosed with cancer and lost his job as a warehouse foreman. He went without treatment until Medicaid became available in 2014. His cancer is in remission today but Medicaid pays for ongoing treatment and tests to keep the cancer at bay. Without Medicaid he would not be able to afford this treatment.
Joanne Rideout, the News Director at KMUN taped the discussion for future radio broadcast!
What does Measure 101 look like in Clatsop County?
12,000 people in Clatsop County were served by the Oregon Health Plan/Medicaid in 2017
32 % of Clatsop County’s Population! Of those 35% were children.
Ballot Measure 101 Passed!
Juanita, Sara and Pam Wev shared their insights in support of BM 101 with residents of Clatsop Retirement Village, January 9th, 1:30PM. It is very important to get out the vote for this election and your ballots were due by January 23rd!
Our January Branch Meeting 2017
16 January 2018: Astoria Branch Meeting
5:30 PM Astoria Library Flag Room, 1010 Exchange Street
Theme: Voices of Leadership
Five Women in leadership roles
Left to right: Kathleen Sullivan, Janice Horning, Joanne Rideout, Tiffiny Mitchell and Leanne Donavan
The incomparable Jan Nybakke, our program chair.
Co-president AAUW Astoria, Jan Horning(left) with Ellen Silverman, Astoria’s AAUW Columns Newsletter editor.
Our December Branch Meeting 2017
Holiday Traditions
Music, Lights, Action at the Nybakke’s
The holiday AAUW meeting highlights included the sharing of holiday memories, the singing of Christmas carols, and hymns played by violinists Angela Calvin, Mona Foss, Julie Foss, and Maddie Miner, and the lighting of the Hanukkah candles for the 8th night and singing of Hanukkah songs by Roz, Carol, and Ellen.
And we ate delicious foods and holiday beverages, all in the lovely holiday-decorated Nybakke home.
We raised $287 during the Silent Auction.
From Sara Meyer we learned more about upcoming WINGS |
(Women Interested In Going Back to School)
We also learned about Measure 101 from Trish Garner. More talk about hosting an informational forum in January ensued. Sara is working with Pam Wev on that possibility with possible locations being Clatsop Community College or the Astor Library.
Astoria’s Mayor Arline LaMear in discussion with Jan Nybakke
Press Release
On January 10th, the public is invited to a presentation on why the passage of Ballot Measure 101 Healthcare is so important to Clatsop County. The American Association of University Women (AAUW) Astoria hosts presenters Erik Thorsen and Andy Davis beginning at 7:00 PM in the Flag Room of the Astor Library, 10th & Exchange St., Astoria.
The presentation will focus on the landscape of healthcare in Clatsop County and the effects of this election on healthcare. A question and answer period will follow. Brochures will be available.
Erik is the CEO for Columbia Memorial Hospital (CMH) and has worked in healthcare for more than twenty-five years, with fifteen at CMH. He had input in the extensive legislative work that passed with bi-partisan support. He received his BA from the University of Puget Sound and his MBA in healthcare and administration from Marylhurst University. Becker’s Hospital Review named Thorsen as one of 50 rural hospital CEOs to know and was also named a 2017 community star by the National Organization of State Offices of Rural Health.
Andy is a Data Analyst for Greater Oregon Behavioral Health, Inc., which provides services to Oregon Health Plan (OHP) Medicaid clients in Clatsop County and throughout rural Oregon. He is a member of the Democratic Party of Oregon’s Healthcare Caucus. He lives in Astoria with his wife Melissa.